Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

Compensation Adjustment Approval/Workflow

We would like managers to be able to submit, track, and approve compensation adjustments of their employees. This would then, if approved, schedule a pay rate increase in Payroll.

  • Evan Courtney
  • Jun 8 2021
  • Likely to implement
Company The Lemoine Company
Job Title / Role ERP Manager
I need it... 6 months
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Kellie Medeiros commented
    July 10, 2023 19:40

    Hi Tracy!

    We released Action Items in June, they are as Mark described - custom templates you can build for any workflows you may want.

    Here's a link to the release notes!

  • diane adams commented
    July 10, 2023 18:54

    is there any movement on this?

  • Tracy Mishoe commented
    April 07, 2022 12:14

    I am asked about this a lot since we are still on the paper forms as well. Our Supers are in the field and have to make special trips to the office JUST to fill out these forms. They ask everytime about doing it through the Portal.

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    July 08, 2021 16:18

    Hi Evan,

    We are thinking about a solution related to this suggestion:

    Having forms in HR would allow you to build any templates you want and then use SQL to move any information over to Vista once the forms have been finalized. We won't be able to start the development of this soon, but this is on our roadmap.


  • Evan Courtney commented
    July 08, 2021 15:51

    Mark, any update on this?

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    June 09, 2021 20:35

    I'll talk to the team about what something like this might take.


  • Evan Courtney commented
    June 09, 2021 13:26

    Where do you store the information of who someone's supervisor is? Or would this need to be selected?

    We could store it in Vista, but it could use the manager field in the Portal and the workflow can be based on Reviewer groups like expenses.

  • Rudy Comeaux commented
    June 09, 2021 10:19

    What's up Mark! Let's make this happen sir.

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    June 08, 2021 21:46

    Hi Evan,

    Where do you store the information of who someone's supervisor is? Or would this need to be selected?


  • Evan Courtney commented
    June 08, 2021 20:52

    Hey Mark!

    Our Current workflow is the supervisor gets a wage increase form, fills it out, and sends it to his/her supervisor. That supervisor reviews it and then send its to a higher up (if necessary). If all approve, then the original supervisor sends the form to Payroll to request an increase.

    I am thinking something similar to expenses would work perfectly fine, with the ability to state the amount increased (in % or $), a date of execution (when the adjustment should go through), and some notes. Not sure if anything else would be necessary data entry wise, however, I would definitely need to review with our team to get more detail. In terms of display, it would need to show their current pay and maybe date of last raise or a history of raises.

    The important part would be to have it then schedule a change to automatically update payroll. This would really tie it all together. Otherwise, it is just a glorified checklist.

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    June 08, 2021 20:35

    Hi Evan,

    What are the current workflows for your managers to review and approve these compensation adjustments?


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