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Date Range in Expense Posting Dashboard should list expenses by approval date not expense date

The current date range in the From and To dates in the Expense Posting Dashboard is very limited and since Expense Admins don't get a notification when an expense is approved they have to come into the dashboard to see if there are any expenses that have been approved, but the dashboard only pulls in by the default date range. The expense admin needs to remember to expand the date range for expenses prior to the beginning date. This would be fine if employees were really good at entering their expenses in a timely manner, but in the real world that does not happen and expenses for March get entered in August. To make the Expense admin's job easier, the approved expenses should appear by approval date, not expense date.

  • Christopher Bonnell
  • Dec 7 2020
  • Shipped
Company Helm Group
Job Title / Role Director of Accounting Technology
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
  • Shelly LaPlant commented
    June 03, 2021 19:01

    This should be an option, not a full system change. I guess some companies would do fine to have it set up this way... we are not one of them.

    I have upwards of 300 transactions per month that I reconcile with our credit card statement each month. Some employees enter their receipts timely as they go throughout the month, others wait until the end of the month, sometimes employees miss an entry and will put it in when I find an item missing. If I am able to sort by transaction date, it doesn't matter when they enter it, as long as they enter it with the date of the transaction. Which they have all been trained to do, and for the handful that are done incorrectly by mistake now and then, can easily be changed to the correct date. So all I have to do is search the date range for the statement to pull up transactions that occurred during that cycle.

    This new implementation doesn't capture items if they were entered after the cut off date, even if the transaction is dated correctly. I have to now set my search dates for the first day of the statement all the way through a future date. (I searched through today's date and items entered this morning did not show until I changed the filter ending with tomorrow's date--- this was just about an hour ago.) With that wide date range, I am getting items that were already reconciled with last month's statement because they were entered the week following the previous month's cut off date, along with transactions entered that are supposed to be in this cycle and transactions that are currently being entered that wont be reconciled until our next statement. I am pulling over 100 more transactions than what I need for this current reconciliation because I am unable to filter it by transaction date exclusively.

  • Matt Newman commented
    June 03, 2021 00:05

    Please see the following suggestion for further context:

  • Matt Newman commented
    June 02, 2021 23:54

    This needs to be rethought. The change to submission date breaks our process for searching for things by the arbitrary date of submission date, which we have relied on for 3 years to line up our credit card receipt statement with Keystyle.

    You can't just change this without knowing how many customers were using the invoice date filter. We purchased Keystyle 3 years ago with that in mind.

    Instead, add it as an option, but please give me back the invoice date feature ASAP. Enhancements should add things, not take things away.

    Why not just add status option of "approved but not added to batch"?

  • Christopher Bonnell commented
    March 02, 2021 16:11


    I think adjusting it to submitted date would work for us.

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    February 26, 2021 01:08

    Hi Chris and Rupen,

    If we adjusted the Date range to be based on the submitted date of the expense. Would this work better?

    The current Approved status filter should only show unpaid expenses. Once the Expenses are moved into a batch in AP, they are changed to the "Added to Batch" status.

    If you would like your Expense admins to receive email notifications about expense items, we recommend that they be setup as an expense approvers.

    Thanks for the quick feedback!

  • rupen patel commented
    February 24, 2021 21:15

    New Version

    1. The option does not allow us to date search expenses that are older than 3 months without selecting an employee name.

    2. It’s not practical to search by names as we don’t know who would have submitted and expense that has been approved especially for those older than 3 months. This could result in expenses not being paid

    3. Shows expenses that’s been approved and paid. (this function does not work for us)

    4. They should have given an option in the status field for approved and not paid expenses.

  • rupen patel commented
    February 24, 2021 21:14

    we have employees that do their expenses 1 or 2 times a year, if our AP only can see the last 3 months this will now work for us. it will be a lot of time wasted for the AP department to click on each employee and check if there is expenses for them and if it was approved.

    the older way was much better where is only showed approved expenses and what needed to me processed and paid.

  • rupen patel commented
    February 24, 2021 21:12

    Previous Version

    1. Only showed expenses currently approved and ready for processing

    2. Able to select date range past 3 months as we have employees that submit expenses once or twice per year.

    3. We rely on the Approved Status function to process expenses as it will show just the employees that’s been approved

  • rupen patel commented
    February 24, 2021 21:12

    It’s not practical to search by names as we don’t know who would have submitted and expense that has been approved.

    We rely on the Approved Status function to process expenses as it will show just the employees that’s been approved

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