Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

Control Benefit Types Shown in Qualifying Event Window Requests

When opening new benefit request windows (per the Qualifying Event types), currently all options show regardless of type, with the exception of the “Always Editable” option, which we are using for our HSA. Not all of our benefits have the same rules around qualifying events such as adding a dependent. As the system stands now, when an ee is only adding a dependent, it allows for changes – and requires touching – every benefit code just like an open enrollment window instead of just the select few that are applicable.


Having the option to select which benefit codes should be shown for a given Qualifying Event type would be ideal. Then we could set Open Enrollment/New Hire windows to show all but we could limit what shows for the Add Dependent windows to minimize the explanations our HR dept has to make to those folks and the clicks for the end user.


It seems there are a few general classification of qualifying events – dependent changes (married, divorced, babies), new hires, open enrollment. Maybe these could be added as classifications to the Qualifying Event types and then the set up for those classes could be added to the Benefit Code input settings?

  • Mary Rosenthal
  • Aug 19 2019
Company Sellen Construction
Job Title / Role Construction Applications Manager
I need it... 1 month
  • Attach files
  • Letitia Cannataro commented
    January 19, 2023 17:26

    This identifies another issue I’m currently experiencing with qualifying events. I also would like to limit the sections an employee can edit based on the qualifying event. For example, if the employee’s spouse loses their health plan coverage with another company, they can request a Loss of Coverage qualifying event. They should only be allowed to add dependents but CANNOT change their current plan. Why hasn’t there been any updates since May 2019? 3 years and nothing?

    The way the system was developed, which is a continued disregard for your customers' needs from your development team, allows employees to adjust all selections based on any qualifying event. This forces a simple process that should be quickly done, turn into a system training session with employees on how to use it for their qualifying event (hand-holding). It reminds me of the paper/pen process. When someone fills it out the document incorrectly, we are running around finding them to update the form or coaching them through the process. We’ve moved to systems to eliminate the hand-holding process, but the lack of development forces HR members to find workarounds or push these daily tasks to other systems.

    I’m not wanting to rant, but to illustrate how the lack of development and the continued disregard to your customer’s needs for daily tasks that has hindered our ability to perform our daily duties. I can see the thought process that went into the ATS and Onboarding sections and wish other sections would get the same attention. It’s frustrating and I’m sure your customers would be more than willing to assist with HR expertise to help your team develop what is needed for everyone.

  • Mary Johnson commented
    October 25, 2022 19:45

    We have a similar issue, we have a vehicle lease benefit that is only offered to some employees, but when I try to initialize an open enrollment window it pulls 401k, medical, dental and Vehicle Related. I definitely don't want Vehicle Related to be offered as a voluntary benefit for everyone in the company... maybe i'm missing a setting somewhere in vista that's preventing me from removing it?

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