Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

Display Vendor/Supplier Address in Lookups

A major supplier might have multiple distribution outlets, even within the same city,  so it is impossible to know which one to select when  creating POs  as only the vendor name is displayed in lookups in the various forms (Create PO from Req, Create Pending PO, PO Dashboard, etc). This is such as serious design flaw that we cannot use the portal for POs while running the risk of the ordering from the wrong outlet in a city,or  even worse, the wrong city entirely.  

All vendor and supplier lookups need to be qualified by the street address and city to in order to select the correct vendor.

  • Guest
  • Aug 9 2019
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Company Western Electrical Management Ltd.
Job Title / Role IT Consultant
I need it... 1 month
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    Michael Smith commented
    August 19, 2019 03:23

    Thank you for meeting with us about this item. Looking forward to delivering it for your use. Stay awesome!

  • Guest commented
    August 12, 2019 17:07


    Even so, how does that help us on the HFF side, as it doesn���t show addresses in any vendor lookup. This is a design flaw plain and simple, not an enhancement request that is dependent on the whims of the Viewpoint community.

    Here���s the equivalent lookup in Vista. How did anyone seriously expect just the name would work in HFF?


    This either gets addressed in short order or we put our implementation on hold, so please escalate.



  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    August 12, 2019 16:06

    Hi Simon,

    Have you tried listing out the multiple addresses a vendor might have on the Additional Addresses tab in the AP Vendor Master? Most of our customers are handling it with this setup on the Vista side, but let's see how our community responds to this suggestion.

  • Guest commented
    August 09, 2019 17:13

    Hi Mark

    We are not at liberty to adjust a vendor name (that appears on invoices, government filings, etc) to address the deficiencies of our software applications. We have to plead the case for abbreviating Limited to Ltd. and whether even that should include the period! The other issue is vendor name space limitations. Even if we were allowed to arbitrarily adjust the vendor name, we likely wouldn���t have enough space to do a decent job.

    I���m not sure what you mean by vendor Description, as I���m not seeing this field in Vista, etc, but either of the following lookup displays would give us a fighting chance of picking the correct one.

    This is a columnar lookup���

    This is a concatenation of the Name, Address and City.

    As you can see from this real world example, we���d need both street and city in the lookup. I suppose that should be the PO Address and PO City rather than the Main Address and Main City. We���d need to see this information throughout the portal, not just in lookups. It would have to display this way in the Dashboard, reports, etc, i.e. anywhere you would have to identify the correct vendor.

    Call me if you have any questions. 403-700-7798.



  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    August 09, 2019 16:18


    Typically vendor names/descriptions are written to differentiate them from other locations. If we concatenate the vendor number - vendor description would this help you know which vendor to use?

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