Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

Field Management App - Submitted Time Remain after Logging Out/Back In

Suggestion: We are transitioning our Superintedents to the Field Management App for time-entry. We have discovered an issue recently regarding submitted time. Our Supts once they submit their time by day/by pay period, then log out and back in, no longer see the time that has been submitted previously. 


Why: This would be very helpful as our Supts/people in general may forget what day(s) have been submitted during an open pay period when logging back in to complete their time card for the pay period. Any time that has been previously submitted by an PR employee on the app, needs to remain in place and not be swiped. 

I understand the time card is currently being "swiped" / cleared at the logout stage. This needs to be updated in the developed code to keep all Open and/or submitted time. 

Who: All of our Field Superintendents and Project Managers using the Field Management App would benefit. Also anyone working in Payroll would benefit from not being questioned on what has/hasn't been submitted during a given pay period. 

How: Your development team needs to come up with the "how" on how to get the app to work for this. 

  • Rudy Comeaux
  • Jul 31 2019
  • Shipped
Company The Lemoine Company, LLC
Job Title / Role VP of Organizational Development & People
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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  • Admin
    Michael Smith commented
    August 04, 2019 22:01

    Love this one, can't wait to release it. Coming soon :)

  • Rudy Comeaux commented
    August 04, 2019 19:32

    Awesome! Thanks Michael!!!! It will make our Supts lives a lot easier! 

  • Admin
    Michael Smith commented
    August 01, 2019 23:18

    Hey Rudy, thank you for being part of VIA. We love this suggestion and the comments we have from the customer base regarding logging in and logging out without loosing data. We plan on making this happen. Lets make this the best app ever!

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