Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

Job Approval - Include Mechanics Time Type

Mechanics lines can appropriately be tied to jobs (required to drive pay rate for prevailing wage work). However, in the Job Approval screen, there is no way to view those mechanic lines. Our project management teams for our crews typically supervise a crew mechanic, adding those lines to the job approvals page would be a great stride in allowing the managers to view and/or approve all time associated with their jobs.

  • Patrick Weichel
  • Jul 15 2019
  • Shipped
Company Century Companies Inc
Job Title / Role IT Director
I need it... 1 month
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  • Patrick Weichel commented
    July 16, 2019 16:04

    Michael - the other hours solution sounds like a good all around remedy. Thanks!

  • Admin
    Michael Smith commented
    July 15, 2019 23:43

    One item that has a number of votes on it is for us to add hours from other cards column. If we add that column on all timecard approval grids, approvers will be able to see the total hours on other cards and another column for total hours for the entire pay period. Users will be able to click on the other column to get a breakdown of hours. Would this solve the issue?

  • Patrick Weichel commented
    July 15, 2019 22:44

    Thanks Michael! And good to hear from you again.

    We will generally be able to use the Manager Approval screen for the Equipment Supervisor - so he will have the time routed to him that way, but our field managers also like to see any time related to their jobs. For example, that same mechanic may code 20-30 hours of his week to Job time, and the balance to mechanics time (while on the same job site) - so the field / job managers like to have visibility to all of it.

    For the equipment supervisor, who has mechanics spread out among the crews that are hundreds of miles apart - he likes to see that the field managers have reviewed the entries made by the mechanics - since they have closer "eyes on" those employees. 

    Which leads to another suggestion :)  - It would be cool to have a column on the "Timecard Approval" screen like the one on the "Timecard Dashboard" which shows the status of "Job Time Approval." Along with history, we find the more transparency and communication there is, the better - and often our employees are subject to multiple managers during the course of a pay period.

    All that being said...perhaps there is still a way with UD fields to accomplish additional "layers" of approval?

    Thanks!  Pat

  • Admin
    Michael Smith commented
    July 15, 2019 22:29

    Hi Pat,

    Thanks for sending this in. This is an interesting item because of the nature of the costs. While the equipment is on the job, any time from the mechanic time will be charged to the equipment. From a timecard routing perspective, the cost center being charged by the mechanic is the piece of equipment. In this case, do you want the time to be routed to the equipment supervisor, or do you want it routed to the project manager because the equipment was on the job. Keep in mind that the job field on mechanic lines is only there to designate where the equipment was and to incorporate any davis bacon template. It does not charge job cost. Looking forward to this community discussion.

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