Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

Timecards - Ability to post time daily AND have foreman still able to see time entered for the week.

Currently we ask foreman to enter and submit their crew time daily.  Once submitted and posted however the foreman lose visibility for the time entered for the week.  We are getting many duplicate and missing entries because of this.  Payroll is spending too much time fixing the data, field foreman are frustrated.

  • Randy Lough
  • Jun 3 2019
  • Shipped
Company McCarl's Inc.
Job Title / Role I.T. Director
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
  • Stephen Haller commented
    May 18, 2021 15:00

    showing as shipped now, but on the screen this is still super clunky. Is there a way to group in such a way and color submitted vs unsubmitted differently? Wanting to push for daily submissions, but for larger crews this is almost impossible to sort through.

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    February 23, 2021 01:08

    Hi Team,

    We are developing this feature for grid timecards. More to come soon!

  • Shawn Miyahara commented
    January 27, 2021 15:40

    Any update on this?

  • Sergei Gordeev commented
    August 26, 2020 16:46

    is there an ETA on this yet?

  • Randy Lough commented
    March 12, 2020 12:40

    Hi Michael, Any update on this regarding a roll out date? On your comments below, I personally would like the foreman to be able to see all hours and total hours for each employee in their crew, not just the hours on that jobs.

  • Guest commented
    March 02, 2020 17:52

    Whats the update on this. Need this like NOW!

  • Guest commented
    March 02, 2020 17:36

    Would love the ability for the people entering time for other people to see if someone else also entered time as well so they do not double up on time for the day.

  • Shawn Nichoalds commented
    November 04, 2019 21:41

    Entering Time & Production daily is becoming the standard, and having the ability to see the entire weeks time for all field employees is critical! Especially if its automatically going into the batch with or without approval.

  • Chris Lower commented
    October 15, 2019 13:15

    Related to this issue.  We can enter time in personal Time Entry, Grid Time, Daily Field Tickets, and in the Field Management App.  All that time goes into the same Vista batch, but can't be seen in any of those other locations listed other than where it was entered.  Becomes a pain if someone is semi-mobile and would like the ability enter time on their PC as well as Field Management App.

  • Chris D commented
    June 25, 2019 20:33

    Only total hours required. If the other foreperson can be shown, that's an added bonus.

  • Admin
    Michael Smith commented
    June 25, 2019 19:48

    Hi team,

    We are reviewing how to best show these hours. in your world, do you want other foreperson to see the names of the foreperson that submitted the hours for the employee? Or should it just state the total hours the employee worked under other supervisors?

  • Chris D commented
    June 25, 2019 15:36

    Agree with Amy. Often time projects necessitate employees moving from crew to crew for assistance. Say there are 2 laborers transporting materials all day for two foreman crews. Foreman A puts time in for the day first and includes 5 hours for those two laborers of time spent with his crew. Foreman B later goes to put time in but is unsure if Foreman A covered the laborers for 3 hours, 4 hours, 5 hours...if the men cannot get a hold of each other on the phone, this results in Foreman B guesstimating what time to cover the laborers for; if he had the capabilities to SEE how much time the men have already been entered for, then Foreman B would know he only has to cover them for 3 remaining hours

  • Amy Adamski commented
    June 20, 2019 12:43

    My comment is more related to the app then having the field foreman "approve" it (we use dual level approval, pm and supervisors approve).   When the guys in the field submit time, they are able to submit duplicate entries, with no warning or anything.  And, if an employee is using the mobile app and applying his hours daily, but not submitting until the end of the week, the supervisor has no visibility until the end of the week (unlike the browser that the supervisor can see once they save it).  If a supervisor has a crew of 15 plus, it's pretty hard to look at 15 timecards for 4 days and remember what everyone did.  It would be nice if they had the same visibility the people who save daily on the browser version have. 

    Back to the seeing the history, it would be nice yes if "aaron" could at least see a summary or something so they know hey this time was already entered so there isn't all this duplication and confusion.  We also agree that the foreman should be able to edit the time.  We would like to see them be able to edit the time in/out and we would go beyond having them edit rejected time.  We would like to see them be able to delete the time too. What is happening ALOT is if someone enters time to code lets say 16100, well that is wrong and it should all go to 16200.  So, now we moved all hours to 16200 and have 16100 that shouldn't even be there so we can either reject it or push it through with a zero.  It's very cumbersome. 

  • Admin
    Michael Smith commented
    June 19, 2019 15:30

    Hi team,

    Ideally, would you like your employees to see all hours that the employee may have charged for the week. Not just the hours on the entering screen. Here's the case: 4 foreperson enter time in for Jim. Aaron is the last foreperson entering in for Jim. Would you expect Aaron to see only the hours from the other 3 foreperson or would you expect Aaron to be able to see all coding that was used for Jim? This would include posted and unposted time.

    Looking forward to hearing what you think.

  • Chris D commented
    June 19, 2019 12:26

    In addition to this, Foreman should also be able to EDIT the time if it is rejected. Currently if overhead Rejects a timecard, it remains locked in the mobile app. This then leaves it to overhead to correct timesheets, rather then informing the foreman of an error and having them be accountable for making corrections due to their errors.

  • Amy Adamski commented
    June 04, 2019 13:28

    I think this relates to my request on 471.  We would like to have the guys submit at the end of the week but the hours to be shown daily after they are saved. Exactly how it tracks when it's saved and entered through the browser. 

  • Amy Adamski commented
    June 04, 2019 13:15

    I agree!  It would also be nice to have an error message when people are duplicating their time.  Something like "You are about to submit duplicate time...Are you sure you want to do that?" 

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