When an employee is out sick, you register them for 0 hours, and add a memo in the app noting sickness; the memo then shows up in Viewpoint under EVERY SINGLE earn code available. For us this creates about 8 lines of data for one employee, with ALL earn codes listed to 0 hours, and same memo on EVERY one. When you have multiple employees with similar notes, it fills up batches with unnecessary and ridiculous amounts of data in Viewpoint. Change so it only registers under the earn code that "0" hours was entered for on the app.See attached document.
Company | Driscoll Construction |
Job Title / Role | Project Manager |
I need it... | 3 months |
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That item is on the road map. Looking forward to providing that to you and the community.
Thanks for the update Michael - looking forward to this delivery! I await the day we can somehow tie in KDS-I-742 and really get these memos/notes hammered down.
Hi Chris,
I wanted to reach out and let you know this is in development.
Hi Chris,
We are reviewing the best way to capture a 0 hour line in cases like this in the mobile app.
There are other idea with less votes then this, submitted in the same timeframe, that are in development. Please provide an update on the current status of this suggestion.