Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

Allow job approvers to edit time in and out

We currently have a work around set up so our job supervisors can edit / approve time cards.  They can not however, edit the folks time.  It would be nice if they could, sometimes job shut down earlier than expected, people put down the wrong time and then you are left chasing them around the next week to get the right info and rejecting and resubmitting timecards.  Burning up time that we wouldn't have to it the job approvers just had permissions to change it.  Burns up time and interrupts work flow. 

  • Amy Adamski
  • Apr 15 2019
Company Staab Construction Corporation
Job Title / Role Hr
I need it... 1 month
  • Attach files
  • Amy Adamski commented
    July 11, 2019 13:58

    Yes, we would still like to move forward. It would nice to have it an optional and have it be required that there is an explanation why its changed (similar to the rejection process)

  • Admin
    Michael Smith commented
    July 11, 2019 06:02

    HI Amy,

    Do your employee have to sign off individually when they submit their cards? The concern we have with this item is that a manager can change the clock in/out time of an employee and a payroll dispute could emerge with the employee being able to prove that the time was modified by a manager without the employee accepting the change. Would you still be interested in managers changing clock time given this concern? If so, we can look at adding and advanced setting.

  • Amy Adamski commented
    July 09, 2019 12:44

    I am talking about the time worked by employee.  Guys may fill their time out in the morning and then dip out half hour early.  Right wrong or otherwise, now the wrong time is submitted.  The supervisor (who we have a work around set up to let them approve timecards) knows that the time is wrong but they cant change it.  So they are left to either call me or reject it and hope the employee fixes it.  The employee doesn't usually fix it and then we are sitting there with a rejected time card.   It becomes the burden of payroll or the job sup or the pm to chase down that employee and get them to change that time.  It burns up a ton of time that could doesn't need to be burned up if the supervisor could just change it. 

  • Admin
    Michael Smith commented
    July 08, 2019 21:08

    Hi Amy,

    Are you hoping to change allocations or clock time? They should be able to change allocation hours if you enable the setting. More explanation would help.

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