Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

Auto Assign Expense Approver based on Job Coding Using Vista's Invoice Reviewer Groups

Currently Keystyle assumes that each employee reimbursement can only go to one static supervisor, but the reality for many GCs is that superintendents often work on projects with different project managers (the invoice approver).


Vista has already solved this problem in the AP Unapproved Invoice workflow.  In Vista, when an AP transaction is coded to a particular job, AP cross-checks to JC Job Master, field "RevGrpInv", which then auto-assigns the appropriate reviewer.  Expenses in Keystyle should do the same, using the same field.  This enhancement would streamline the process greatly and require much less admin intervention and prodding.


  • Matt Newman
  • Apr 3 2019
  • Shipped
Company Alcorn Construction, Inc.
Job Title / Role Controller
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
  • Joel Eichelberger commented
    August 01, 2022 16:11

    Also, if an approval group is assigned to a GL, use that group if an expense is coded to that GL. If neither of those exist, default to the approver listed in expenses.

  • Paul West commented
    September 09, 2019 17:24

    We have certain expenses that are approved by someone other than the regular expense approver assigned to the employee. We would like to have a person that can enter expenses on behalf of others and assign the Approver which would be different than if the employee entered their other expenses themselves.

  • Guest commented
    August 28, 2019 20:28

    I think what we'd like to see is that it follows the AP unapproved flow unless overridden.  For example, our project managers approve expenses for their jobs, but i don't want project managers approving their own expenses, we'd like our directors to approve those, so we would like some way to override the AP unapproved workflow if possible.

  • Natalie Matheus commented
    August 14, 2019 19:35

    Yes - just like on time, job role should trump all.

  • Chris Lower commented
    July 18, 2019 12:53

    We are greatly looking forward to this following the AP Unapproved Invoice review in Vista.  We cannot implement credit card reconciliation until that is in place, I do hope this is coming soon.

  • Admin
    Michael Smith commented
    May 15, 2019 00:13

    Hi Tammy,

    At this time our plan is to follow the invoice routing the same as it exists in AP Unapproved Invoice Review.  For overhead, it will follow the manager approval setup in the existing approval workflow.  Regarding the workflow you propose above, number 1 tracks, but I am not sure how you would envision the setup of number 2.  I'd love to hear your thoughts.


  • Tammy Crider commented
    May 14, 2019 23:42

    Definitely need this feature as well, but would like an additional Expense Reviewer group available for selection when submitting a collection of expense items.  The reviewers assigned would come from "RevGrpInv" and from the Expense Reviewer group setup in Keystyle.

    Our expenses need to go to the following approvers: 

    1. RevGrpInv (if assigned to a job) 

    2, Department/company manager (all expenses charged to their dept/company, for jobs and non-jobs)

    3. Submitter's supervisor (all expenses submitted by an employee go to their supervisor regardless of job/expense coding) 

    We do not want to rely on an approver forwarding on expenses to an additional approver.

    Example:  IT Expense reports contain software/hardware ordered for multiple jobs, departments, companies, and multiple GL coding.

    Bundle one set of receipts/expenses for department X - submit

    Bundle one set of receipts/expenses for department Y - submit

    Bundle one set of receipts/expenses for department Z - submit

    Job approvers only see their job's portion

    Dept. Heads only see the bundles for their dept

    Supervisor sees all expenses submitted by their worker

  • Admin
    Michael Smith commented
    April 04, 2019 15:20

    Thank you for submitting this idea.  We are excited to mark this item as planned!

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