Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

Expense - Remove Automatic Current Date from New Expense Item

When creating a new expense item, the system defaults automatically to the current date.   Most users will not bother changing the date to the actual date of the transaction.   By having a portal setting option enabling us to have Date be blank by default, We can force users to pick a date and hopefully they will select the date of the Transaction as they were trained to do. 


having the option to relabel the Date as "Transaction Date" would be beneficial as well

  • Jason Warmby
  • Aug 22 2018
  • Shipped
Company Hathaway Dinwiddie Construction
Job Title / Role Director of IT
I need it... 1 month
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  • Jason Warmby commented
    April 21, 2021 03:36

    As a follow-up it seems our accounting team is manually adjusting this date to be the transaction date for all submitted expenses so that they can better audit against fraud. The combination of expense amount and transaction date are the only way we can truly check for duplicate submissions. Using a autogenerated date is creating more work for our accounting team to correct on every submission. Accountants don't care about the date someone submitted the expense, but they do care about the transaction date matching the receipt, the field should be labeled Transaction Date

  • Matt Newman commented
    April 28, 2019 15:12

    The default date, if kept, is also malfunctioning.  It defaults to today's date right up until 5:00 PM Pacific time / 8:00 PM EST, and then the date rolls over to the next day.  At first I assumed it was on London time, but it's actually 1:00 AM London time.  Our users were trained to submit receipts same-day and not worry about changing the date because it would be correct.  This doesn't work for dinner receipts I guess.  A local timezone portal setting seems to be the answer.

  • Jason Warmby commented
    August 28, 2018 17:56

    System Level is fine for us, but I can see a lot of value in having this functionality at the Company Level as well. 

  • Guest commented
    August 28, 2018 17:11

    Company Level

  • Admin
    Michael Smith commented
    August 28, 2018 16:46

    Do you see this being decided at  a company level, pr group level, or at a system level?

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