Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

Specific cost types for expenses

We need the ability to limit  access to certain phases and cost types when submitting expenses. We don't want employees to be able to use labor phases and cost types when allocating expense reimbursements and credit card transactions. This will help eliminate incorrect coding.

  • Tracey Teed
  • Feb 22 2019
  • Future consideration
Company M. Davis & Sons, Inc.
Job Title / Role Accounts Payable
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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  • Donavon Klug commented
    November 01, 2019 12:03

    I would also like to see the limiting of phases & cost types for jobs. I know this exists currently by entering cost types but my request would be to add company specific to this as well.  We have multiple companies with different cost types.  We can’t use the limit cost types because of that. I added a comment and request to this thread because I thought this thread was most related to our request as well. If this gets voted in I was hoping maybe could be considered?  The GL override lookup works great and respects the company selected. Maybe This could be considered also for a setting on phases?

  • Jon Glenn commented
    August 05, 2019 11:09

    Michael -- yes, we'd like to be able to limit coding to specific Cost Types just like currently in Expenses, Cost Types to include for Expense Phases .  Currently we have employees coding to incorrect cost types including G&A and Equipment.  Thanks!

  • Admin
    Michael Smith commented
    August 02, 2019 20:52

    Can you describe the control you want against equipment? Do you want to limit the cost codes?

  • Jon Glenn commented
    August 02, 2019 19:00

    This exists, but only for Job Phases.  This setting does not affect expenses charged to equipment, which is something we sorely need to keep end users from coding incorrectly.

  • Admin
    Michael Smith commented
    February 22, 2019 22:43

    Hi Mark,

    I'm happy to say this feature exists.  Admin > Portal Settings > Expense > Cost Types to include for expenses.  This setting will allow you to select the cost types allowed for expenses and remove any phase codes that do not have the cost types.

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