Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

Expense posting dashboard search parameters/filters do not stick when clicking on an item to edit and then returning back to page

When I am posting approved charges, I set the date parameters based on what month I am uploading to. When I am reviewing (which now takes a million times longer because I can't sort by the coding) if I need to fix something, it opens the charge in a new page and then when I go back to the dashboard, it does not save my parameters AND it allows anything that has been approved since I reloaded to show up. Then I don't know what has been added, so I have to start my review all over again to make sure I cover it and its an endless cycle. To avoid this I have been doing uploads on nights and weekends when hopefully no one is approving, but that is not always feasible, especially at month end when there is a high volume of last minute approvals that we are trying to upload. Before, editing the expense was just a pop up and didn't require reloading the dashboard, so I didn't have to worry about items getting approved while I was fixing. I need to be able to edit an expense without having to reload the dashboard each time.

  • Kelley Jones
  • Feb 15 2024
Company Edifice
Job Title / Role Controller
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
  • Kelley Jones commented
    26 Apr 18:15

    Kellie - sent you an email regarding this. Thanks!

  • Admin
    Kellie Medeiros commented
    25 Apr 20:54

    Hi Kelley - it's working on our end, are the filters and columns both resetting for you?

    Feel free to email me and we can take a look

  • Kelley Jones commented
    25 Apr 20:15

    Kellie - this did not get fixed in the release we received last night.

  • Kelley Jones commented
    15 Apr 20:35

    Yay - great to hear! Thanks!

  • Admin
    Kellie Medeiros commented
    15 Apr 19:15

    Hi Kelley, this will be included in the .4 April release scheduled to be available in the next week or so.

  • Kelley Jones commented
    15 Apr 19:03

    Can I get an update on this?

  • Scott Lundberg commented
    02 Apr 20:11

    Agreed, this was a very poor change. Any edits to the line details should not return you to the main invoice list and re-sort/order where you are at.

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