Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

It would be beneficial to please fix the upload of duplicate receipts.

Your current system recognizes two VALID charges to the same vendor on the same day with the same amount, say Airline Tickets, that are valid transactions from the credit card as duplicates and will not allow them to be imported unless they have a transaction ID. VISA transactions do not have transaction ID #'s. I suggest it say "hey you have previously uploaded this transaction" like it did before it was updated but, it does not. It does not acknowledge the employee ID and throws transactions with the same last 4 of the credit number into the wrong employee portal in my case terminated employees. My suggestion is you add the employee number back into the import and allow the check box on the left to be accessed so we can tell it whether or not to import. It has taken me hours and hours of time to correct my imports and they still are not correct. PLEASE FIX IT!

  • Lorraine Gornall
  • Nov 3 2023
Company C B Central Builders, Inc.
Job Title / Role Accounts Payable
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    Kellie Medeiros commented
    November 29, 2023 19:48

    Thanks for voicing your concern. This will be fixed in an upcoming release.

  • Guest commented
    November 28, 2023 23:55

    Similar Issue, related to allowing duplicate CC imports. I don't know what changed in the last couple releases but your broke it. When importing transactions if there are multiple charges from the same vendor, same date, same card, the system says sorry we aren't importing these duplicates !! THEY AREN'T DUPLICATES they are valid charges and who are you to tell me they are duplicates! This is bad programming / coding :/! FIX IT. and don't try to determine if I have duplicates, that's my problem NOT yours. It's a royal pain in the A$$ now to go in and change the description and sometimes date for each one just so I can import my valid transactions.

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