Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

Auto Recurring Birthday and Anniversary Announcements

We would like the ability to setup birthday announcements that will automatically be displayed on the home screen as a type of announcement.  With all the information already in Keystyle, this would be a simple way to make employees feel special.  As a union contractor, however, we would not want to show birthday announcements for all employees, nor would we want all employees to be able to view these announcements.  We would want to be able to show employees' birthdays by payroll group (so just our office employees) and then also be able to only allow certain payroll groups to be able to see these birthday announcements.  This should be able to tie in directly to the employee's birthday already entered in the system.  Also, the system should automatically remove the birthday of someone who is no longer an active employee.

I would imagine this could also be tied in to anniversaries based on hire date.

  • Megan Knoll
  • Feb 4 2019
  • Future consideration
Company Gribbins Insulation
Job Title / Role Director of Operations
I need it... 1 month
  • Attach files
  • Erik Zimmer commented
    April 17, 2024 19:24


    You can actually code something like what you are asking yourself for free in the VISTA system. I have an WF Notifier Job Manager emailing our HR Team / CEO for both BDAY and ANN reminders (our company CEO likes to send out a short video himself to individuals). You could customize this to your specific needs but here would be the coding needed for the WF Notifier Query on BDAYs. Please note I included all views in the HRRM Table for the Select Clause, which all are not needed for this notifier but might help you deploy more complex notifiers in the future. For ANN you might need to JOIN PREM for rehires depending on what your company's policy is on what defines an employee's ANN. In my example change d.HRCo = '1' from '1' to the company number you need but all other code lines should work based on the default VISTA set-up.

    *I have the parameter set to "@days" *

    select d.ActiveYN as [ActiveYN], d.Address2 as [Address2], d.Address as [Address], d.AltContactPhone as [AltContactPhone], d.ApplicationDate as [ApplicationDate], d.AvailableDate as [AvailableDate], FORMAT(d.BirthDate, 'MMMM d, yyyy') as [BirthDate], d.CafeteriaPlanBudget as [CafeteriaPlanBudget], d.CellPhone as [CellPhone], d.City as [City], d.College1BegDate as [College1BegDate], d.College1Degree as [College1Degree], d.College1EndDate as [College1EndDate], d.College1 as [College1], d.College2BegDate as [College2BegDate], d.College2Degree as [College2Degree], d.College2EndDate as [College2EndDate], d.College2 as [College2], d.ContactPhone as [ContactPhone], d.CurrentEmployer as [CurrentEmployer], d.CurrentTime as [CurrentTime], d.DriveCoVehiclesYN as [DriveCoVehiclesYN], d.EarnCode as [EarnCode], d.Email as [Email], d.ExistsInPR as [ExistsInPR], d.ExpectedSalary as [ExpectedSalary], d.FirstName as [FirstName], d.HRCo as [HRCo], d.HRRef as [HRRef], d.HSGradDate as [HSGradDate], d.HandicapDesc as [HandicapDesc], d.HandicapYN as [HandicapYN], d.HighSchool as [HighSchool], d.HireDate as [HireDate], d.HistSeq as [HistSeq], d.I9Citizen as [I9Citizen], d.I9ReviewDate as [I9ReviewDate], d.I9Status as [I9Status], d.LastContactDate as [LastContactDate], d.LastName as [LastName], d.LicExpDate as [LicExpDate], d.LicNumber as [LicNumber], d.LicState as [LicState], d.LicType as [LicType], d.MaidenName as [MaidenName], d.MaritalStatus as [MaritalStatus], d.MiddleName as [MiddleName], d.NoContactEmplYN as [NoContactEmplYN], d.NoRehireYN as [NoRehireYN], d.Notes as [Notes], d.PRCo as [PRCo], d.PRDept as [PRDept], d.PREmp as [PREmp], d.PRGroup as [PRGroup], d.Pager as [Pager], d.PassPort as [PassPort], d.Phone as [Phone], d.PhotoName as [PhotoName], d.PhysDate as [PhysDate], d.PhysExpireDate as [PhysExpireDate], d.PhysResults as [PhysResults], d.PhysicalYN as [PhysicalYN], d.PositionCode as [PositionCode], d.PrevEmployer as [PrevEmployer], d.PrevTime as [PrevTime], d.Race as [Race], d.RelativesYN as [RelativesYN], d.SSN as [SSN], d.Sex as [Sex], d.SortName as [SortName], d.SourceCost as [SourceCost], d.Source as [Source], d.SpouseName as [SpouseName], d.State as [State], d.Status as [Status], d.StdClass as [StdClass], d.StdCraft as [StdCraft], d.StdInsCode as [StdInsCode], d.StdInsState as [StdInsState], d.StdLocal as [StdLocal], d.StdTaxState as [StdTaxState], d.StdUnempState as [StdUnempState], d.TempWorker as [TempWorker], d.TermDate as [TermDate], d.TermReason as [TermReason], d.TrainingBudget as [TrainingBudget], d.VetJobCategory as [VetJobCategory], d.DisabledVetYN as [DisabledVetYN] , d.AFServiceMedalVetYN as [AFServiceMedalVetYN], d.ActiveDutyWartimeVetYN as [ActiveDutyWartimeVetYN], d.W4CompleteYN as [W4CompleteYN], d.WorkPhone as [WorkPhone], d.Zip as [Zip]

    FROM bHRRM d (Nolock)

    where d.ActiveYN = 'Y' AND DAY(getdate()) = DAY(d.BirthDate) AND MONTH(getdate()) = MONTH(d.BirthDate) AND d.HRCo = '1'


  • Michael Smith commented
    March 06, 2024 18:22

    I love this suggestion so much - we are proud to have fulfilled this request as part of our Onboarding Package. Check it out its awesome!

  • Erik Zimmer commented
    January 24, 2024 22:26

    We have a secretary sending out company emails for these currently and it would be great if this was automated not only to save time but to avoid inaccuracies.

  • Sebastian Marin commented
    October 23, 2023 20:50

    Adding this feature would be beneficial. I concur with Megan about the need for its prompt implementation. We're considering a separate announcement for every employee.

  • Darrell Robinson commented
    March 12, 2021 19:45

    Devil's advocate here - I would much rather have VP Dev spend their time and finite resources working on issues that cannot be handled via company email -or via Vista Workflow Notifier.

  • Megan Knoll commented
    August 09, 2019 12:36

    I'm pretty flexible on timing. It does not have to be an individual announcement. One announcement per week or even month would be great. The priority for me is automation.

    Megan Knoll
    Direct: 812-492-3358

  • Cynthia Dunmire commented
    August 09, 2019 11:57

    Perhaps a list of birthdays and anniversaries for the month on the home page?

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    August 09, 2019 01:43

    Hi Megan, Are you thinking of having one Company Announcement per week for all employees? Or an individual company announcement for each employee?

  • Megan Knoll commented
    July 25, 2019 16:40

    With the high number of votes for this item, I'm wondering what Keystyle's thoughts are on implementation?  This is one of the few popular items that has received no comment from Keystyle.  And it seems pretty basic.

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