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Fillable State Tax Forms for All USA States

The fillable federal W4 is great, but having to create all of the different state tax forms as custom onboarding tasks is burdensome.

  • Jemima Robinson
  • Jan 9 2019
  • Shipped
Company IEA
Job Title / Role HR Manager
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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  • Vaughn Naber commented
    20 Aug 12:47

    So this will not be part of the paid Vista package? It sounds like we will have to purchase a thrird party add-on to get this. Please confirm.

  • Kelly Grant commented
    19 Aug 22:00

    We implemented Fiddletree and love the solution!

  • Admin
    Kellie Medeiros commented
    19 Aug 21:56

    Hi everyone! We have decided to partner with Fiddletree to provide state tax forms for all USA states.

    If you are interested in the integration please contact them through their website

  • Abby Kincaid commented
    12 Mar 15:56

    I saw that this was changed to unlikely to implement, and that the link in the comment below gives pricing for varying company sizes to work with a third party to build this into the system. Disheartening that we are implementing this new HRM and would have to spend another $5,000 to have these State W4s built out for us when this suggestion had so many upvotes.

  • Michael Smith commented
    11 Mar 21:02

    We are so excited about this suggestion. We are pleased to provide all state withholding forms that default with values and push to vista via onboarding. Check it out here:

  • Guest commented
    December 27, 2023 19:54

    Kellie - this is an item we discussed on our call as well. Maintaining the State W4 is cumbersome and defeats the purpose. The State W4s should auto-populate based on the resident state in personal info.

  • Melissa Mahurin commented
    December 11, 2023 15:43

    Kellie - The fillable pdfs are a huge help, but the state forms should be added and maintained by Trimble. For each of us to have to look up, add, maintain and write code to push the info to Vista is not reasonable. It's exponentially more work than Trimble taking this o. There are only 50 forms and state forms are not specific to a company, but are universal for all. Can you please reconsider making state tax forms standard within HR Management?

  • Admin
    Kellie Medeiros commented
    December 07, 2023 20:00

    Hi Abby! We released fillable PDFs in onboarding to help with this issue. You can now upload the state tax forms you need and have your employees fill them out during their onboarding process. We have also published an article to allow you to persist that information directly into Vista. Here is the link if you wanted to look into it!

  • Abby Kincaid commented
    December 07, 2023 19:51

    Is there any admin who can provide an estimated release date for this? I was shocked to find that this was not already a feature. With 224 votes I would hope this would be a priority.

  • Guest commented
    October 09, 2023 17:49

    It is very disheartening to read these posts regarding the lack of state tax forms being in the system. When I tell this to other HR professionals I network with, they all look at me with disbelief, no one else with an HR system that I know of doesn't have a State Tax Form. The State Tax Form is a basic necessity and with multiple branches it makes it harder to get just that one form from the Supervisors. Please make this a priority. If you are planning to implement, could we get an estimated date that you are targeting to make this happen? I posted a comment regarding this in April of 2020. I was encouraged to try again by our management team.

  • Megan Knoll commented
    June 09, 2023 18:13

    ALSO - just to be very clear - the elections made on any Fillable PDF form in onboarding, including a state withholding form, will NOT automatically populate in Vista. We will need to enter that data into Vista after a new employee has completed the form in onboarding. Is this correct? Hopefully I'm wrong!!!

  • Megan Knoll commented
    June 09, 2023 18:11

    Thank you Kellie. With the new fillable PDF forms functionality, can an individual sign the state withholding form electronically? As in - will their signature show up on the actual state withholding form just like it does on the I9 and federal withholding forms?

    Or will the signature be outside of the form, in a separate signature box?

  • Admin
    Kellie Medeiros commented
    June 08, 2023 20:26

    Hi Megan! The fillable PDF forms can be used for state tax forms, each state has different requirements for electronic tax forms and electronic signatures so we ask that everyone does their due diligence and check what is acceptable for your state

  • Megan Knoll commented
    June 02, 2023 16:03

    Fillable PDF forms are now available in HR Management, but my impression is that this will NOT work for the state withholding forms. Vista/Viewpoint/Trimble (or whoever) - is my assessment correct? If so, when are we going to get the state withholding forms in HR Management for onboarding?

  • Collin Enstad commented
    May 09, 2023 22:30

    Is there an update on this. This program has unlimited capabilities, but falls short in providing the basics that we need to conduct onboarding for our employees. Please make this a priority for your development team or give me access to the program and I will hire a software engineer to get it done in two weeks.

  • Katie Burk commented
    April 19, 2023 19:52

    Checking in on in the year 2023. Beginning to think it'd be faster and cheaper to hire someone to build what we need rather than waiting another 4 or 5 years on VP implementation .

  • Andrew Hall commented
    January 17, 2023 13:35

    Is there any update on implementing this?

  • Guest commented
    January 04, 2023 19:10

    Anything on this ..............................................................

  • Mark Davis commented
    October 27, 2022 17:53

    Update? Any eta?

  • Jon Soldo commented
    October 25, 2022 13:22

    Guys, c'mon. This is needed and from 2019... Any update?

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