Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

Open Billing Review does not sort by PM properly

We compared the Vista AR Aged Analysis by Project Manger to the Open Billing Review in Viewpoint Financial Controls (the portal).

Even though both reports are pulling from the same data they are very different. In the Viewpoint Financial Controls, on the same job, some invoices are showing under the Project Manager and some are unassigned. As best that we can tell and with Viewpoint Tech Support the invoices are essentially identical. Test support did find in the SQL code that changing the type of join fixed everything.

This is a request to have Open Billing Review in Viewpoint Financial Controls show the same information as Vista AR Aged Analysis by Project Manger since they pull from the same place and are, essentially, the same report.

  • Ken N
  • Aug 9 2022
  • Likely to implement
Company Meisner Electric
Job Title / Role Director of Business Process
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Kellie Medeiros commented
    August 21, 2023 21:24

    Hi Mel, we are currently working on this item. We're looking forward to releasing it in the near future!

  • Mel Pollard commented
    August 21, 2023 21:20

    Please fix this ASAP! I don't understand why some invoices on the same job aren't showing as uncategorized.

  • Admin
    Kellie Medeiros commented
    August 08, 2023 17:14

    This is something we are actively working on!

  • Alan Quartz commented
    August 04, 2023 12:26

    It seems like this shouldn't be a request. It's a fault in the system and needs to be fixed. This is causing the open billing screen to be pratcially useless.

  • Samantha Hutchison commented
    June 13, 2023 21:17

    It seems like this should be an easy fix and would make their product appear more useful and professional. Yes, we can go to Vista and retrieve this information but it seems if they are going to go to the trouble to include this as one of the few features in Financial Controls it would be worth the effort to make the data accurate and complete.

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