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Create option to export Submitted timecards in pdf vs zip files

In the latest version of Field Time the ability to receive the submitted timecards in a pdf was taken away and replaced with a zip file with numerous individual files. It needs to either revert back to the pdf file or allow an option to receive the export in either a pdf or zip file.

  • Linda Bohde
  • Mar 1 2022
  • Shipped
Company James McHugh Construction Co
Job Title / Role Assistant Controller
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
  • Amy Adamski commented
    March 29, 2022 18:21

    We also need this functionality added back-the new export is pretty much un-usable for us. We would also like to see an option to export it in alphabetical order or the order of the grid.

  • Monica Hodges commented
    March 10, 2022 23:15

    Please add this back. We use it for review and internal audit purposes.

  • Kira Nieuwenhuis commented
    March 08, 2022 00:21

    Hi Mark,

    In speaking to Payroll they have instructed me on the following:

    'We use the memo section in the timecards, use the printed timecards as part of our review process. We can go back and look at that if needed down the track.'

    Regardless of our functional need, I ask the question again, what is the issue with adding the option to download as a combined PDF or to revert it back please?

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    March 07, 2022 21:20

    Hi Kira,

    With the Export Submitted Timecards function, it will download the pdfs for all employees that have submitted timecards. Were you using the combined pdf this as a final review process or something? What are the main things you reviewed on the combined pdf?


  • Kira Nieuwenhuis commented
    March 07, 2022 20:57

    Hi Mark,

    We also want this function. We keep paper records of our payroll as set out by our management and to go in and individually print every time card is extremely time consuming.

    As Linda has mentioned, since we started using the product, exporting the timecards as a single PDF has been wonderful, not having to go into each one saved an immense amount of time.

    What is the issue with changing it back or adding the option to export as a single PDF?

    Thanks :)

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    March 07, 2022 18:40

    Hey Linda,

    The timecards in the zip file should only be there if the employee's timecard was submitted if you are using the Export Submitted Timecards function. Does your VP of Operations need to review the submitted timecards too?

    Timecard Admins should be able to go to any previous pay period on the Timecard Dashboard to review submitted timecards, so there is not need for them to retain pdf copies of the submitted timecards. If they need to go back a year to look at submitted timecards, they can.

    What kind of time off / leave do you enter and where do you enter this based on the timesheets? Most of our customers are leveraging our Time Off module for this.

    Thank you

  • Linda Bohde commented
    March 07, 2022 16:30

    Also, when I process payroll for one of the companies, I print out the timecards as audit support for my payroll. I also enter leave based on the timesheets.

  • Linda Bohde commented
    March 07, 2022 16:26

    Every Monday morning since we have been using the Field Time product I need to report to our VP of Operations who has coded and submitted their time. The easiest and fastest way to do this is to export the submitted time sheets.

    When they come in as a zip file ��� I now have to open each individual file to make sure they have submitted their time ��� or go through each person on the Timecard Dashboard to see if they have submitted their time.

    By allowing me to open the timecards in 1 pdf ��� which is how its been since we started with this product ��� it allows me to report this information to the VP of Operations in a quick and easy method.

    There was no issue with the export before ��� just put it back ��� or give me the option to run it as 1 pdf instead of 50 individual files.

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    March 07, 2022 15:53

    Hi Team,

    I wanted to understand the way you are using the Submitted Timecard export on the Timecard Dashboard. What are the different things you are using the Submitting Timecards pdfs for?

    Thank you

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