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Last 4 of credit card may not be unique

Four our Pcard users, we have come across an instance where the last four digits of the credit card is not unique. Our only option right now is to go back to the bank and request another credit card for one of the employees and to make sure they issue one where that is unique to our company.

We need to see if the imported credit card transactions can be matched to a second key field such as name, email, phone number, etc.

  • Bob Williams
  • Jan 19 2022
  • Shipped
Company ElectriCom
Job Title / Role Sr. Director Information Technology
I need it... 6 months
  • Attach files
  • Bob Williams commented
    August 24, 2023 16:02

    Looks like this was resolved today with release of the Vista Web Portal. Employee ID is now a field for credit card imports which allows two employees to have the same last four on the credit card.

  • Bob Williams commented
    July 15, 2022 17:19

    Hi Mark - We are looking into the solution/work-around Nicole mentioned. But to confirm with you, our bank issues the credit card numbers and they tell us they are generated randomly. We continue to get collisions. The last four of the CC number is not unique.

  • Nicole Lepore commented
    June 23, 2022 23:58

    hello! my company has the same issue with American Express. We were able to assign our employees/card holders an employee ID within the system and use that field as the last 4 of CC. We just replace the field. This seems to be working for us.

    The only issue is the field clearly says last 4 of CC so that took a while for our approvers to get use to.

  • Bob Williams commented
    March 09, 2022 20:50

    We've had this happen three times already. The bank controls the last four of the credit card. When it happens we have to cancel one of the cards and request the bank generate a new number.

  • Bob Williams commented
    January 19, 2022 18:32

    The other identifiers would have to be something like email address, phone number, last name. The PCard matching process today is only looking to the last four of the card. With physical limit at 9,999 cards that should cover most organizations. However, we don't have control over what numbers the bank issues. For our small organization with a few hundred cards we came across a duplicate. So we are reaching out to the bank to ask them issue a new card with a different last four numbers. This isn't the ideal way to have to work around this.

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    January 19, 2022 18:00

    Hi Bob,

    When you are pulling transactions from your credit card carrier, do those have any other identifiable information besides the last 4 of the credit card number?

    We recommend that each credit card have a unique last four.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

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