Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

Rethink Open Enrollment Dependents and how/when they flow to ViewPoint

This issue is related to my other suggestion regarding Benefits. Our Open Enrollment window is currently open. We have an EE who is removing a dependent from coverage - starting NEXT year, but needs to keep coverage for THIS CURRENT year. When we processed the removal, it marked the dependent as inactive for the current year, (unexpected) and also removed all the coverage for the dependent for the current year (unexpected). This raises issues with our currently covered employees and dependent data feeds to the benefits carriers because the dependent is STILL COVERED for the remainder of 2018. We fixed the dependent record in VP, and now will have to wait until Jan 1 to push all the removals. How do we get the portal to understand that anything related to an OPEN ENROLLMENT window is for the COMING year and anything other type of window is for the CURRENT year?

This is related to my 2 other OE suggestions. The idea would be to separate the Approval step in the portal from the push to View Point step in the portal. They would both happen in the portal, and we would need a way to select which window changes we want by effective date, but we could control when we wanted data to be where,. this will create problems with what windows cancel out what other windows and you would need to provide way allow a current window and a next year window to be open at the same time.

Speaking of windows cancelling windows, the Portal needs some intelligence to know the difference between an open enrollment window and any other kind of window. We have an EE who did all his OE selections. His wife had a child. we opened a New dependent window for the baby withe the expectation that we could have the EE add the dependent, choose benefits for the current year and STILL have his OPEN Enrollment window selection in tact, and we could go back and have him update the dependents on his NEXT year selections. didn't happen that way. His OE window was superseded by the new Dependent Window and we ended up doing it all by hand any way.

There seems to be no way to select benefits for the next calendar year and push them to View Point without the current year benefits being lost. In other words, from the beginning of my open enrollment window until the beginning of the next calendar year, I need BOTH sets of benefit elections to be visible someplace.

the current year benefits need to be visible so the weekly data feeds to our benefit carriers (all 6 of them) correctly reflect EE coverage, rates, effective and end dates, dependents etc.

The NEXT year elections need to be visible to satisfy the benefit carrier requirement that I provide then a census for the coming year ( early December 2018 ) - BEFORE those benefits take effect in 1/1/19.

As the portal currently works, the minute I approve the elections, they go to View Point and either update or replace anything it finds with new , 2019 effective dates and rates, or marks it inactive all together.

Technically, when we 'Approve' the 2019 selections in the portal, it overwrites all the data in HREB, HRBE and HRBL with 2019 dates, rates etc. - which means that my 2018 data (which is still in force and active) is lost. I cant get what i need from payroll because there are no dates there.

I marked this a YESTERDAY - because if I can't have bot sets of data available, then the current year set is the one I've got to go with because it's the one in force, which makes open enrollment on the portal something of a waste of time because I can't provide the carriers what they need in advance, and I also can't replace the current data with next years data. I need both.

  • Bob Hocutt
  • Nov 28 2018
Company Glenn O Hawbaker
Job Title / Role cio
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already

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