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Allow to select expense reviewer setting by company

We have multiple companies, some with fixed structures and activities (like ready mix production and sales), but some with highly mobile crews (highway concrete paving) where a fixed supervisor just doesn't happen, employees move from project to project often during a week or even a day.

Because the setting to allow to select expense reviewer is for all companies the same, we can't allow this flexibility only to mobile/dynamic construction companies, and we end up on them with expenses being submitted to the wrong supervisor who approves without really knowing the expense.

The workaround of calling Corp to change reviewers is just not practical, as it would have to happen too often taking project management time from where it should be focused, managing the work.

  • Guest
  • Oct 5 2021
Company IHC Scott
Job Title / Role Controller
I need it... 1 month
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  • Mary Rosenthal commented
    December 16, 2021 23:17

    Would this solution work to solve this problem??

    Would be great if there was a way to create groups of reviewers and designate the employees who those reviewers should be available.
    eg: create a group of reviewers who were the managers of a department, then apply that reviewer group in that department. Then the employee can only select an appropriate person for their position. This would be a great alternative to creating a HQ reviewer group for every manager in the department and then assigning that group to each of their submitters.

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