Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

Allow different layouts for different timecard templates

This is useful because not every department within a PR Group uses or can change the same fields.  It would be great to hide some columns on some templates and show it on others.

  • Penny Dalton-Torres
  • Nov 15 2018
  • Will not implement
Company James Hamilton Construction Co.
Job Title / Role Payroll
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
  • Greg Saunders commented
    August 06, 2021 19:55

    I know it has been marked as "Will not implement", but still wanted to add as another Viewpoint customer that having one more level below PR Group would be very helpful.

    We have run into the same situation where we have two groups of PR Group 1 folks that have different layout needs. Some with fields completely hidden where the other group needs to see them.

    Instead of "Company / PR Group" it could have been "Company / Template Group" where Template Group is similar to Employee Groups, BUT an employee could ONLY exist in one of those groups. Essentially the Manage Template Groups would prevent employee from being in two Template Groups so it is a specialized group. (See image) the image indicates the use of a Template Group that happens to be set to PR Group 1. But could have just as easily been a subset of that group like class, dept, and the other options along with even the SQL option where one may have a UD field to determine which employees go where.

    So the new logic for the application would almost be a mirror of Employee Groups with the exception that it only allows an employee to exist in one Template Group.

    Then all areas that make use of the templates and reference PR Group will now use Template Group in place of PR Group.

    Where is that easy button @Michael Smith ?

  • Matt Lovenshimer commented
    March 20, 2020 17:53

    The PR group level is just too broad for this. It would be better at the Portal Employee Group level

  • George White commented
    June 28, 2019 14:16

    This feature would have heped us out alot!

  • Amy Adamski commented
    January 09, 2019 18:05

    Why won't this be implemented?  It has quite a few votes on this suggestion alone and if you look through some of the other suggestions, they are basically asking for the same thing. 

  • Angela Mullins commented
    January 07, 2019 18:47

    I was also disappointed to see this would not be implemented.  

  • Amy Adamski commented
    January 04, 2019 15:17

    I agree with Penny.  Not being able to have different layouts unless you have different payroll groups is very inconvenient and I was very very disappointed to see this go to will not implement. 

  • Penny Dalton-Torres commented
    January 04, 2019 14:14

    @Michael Smith, that is current and many companies have various crews that require different time card options but we do not want to have multiple PR Groups.

  • Admin
    Michael Smith commented
    January 04, 2019 04:09

    In the current architecture, the layouts are flexible, but only to the pr group level.

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