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HR Management Integration With Vista HR Training Classes

HR Management requires the creation of training classes in it in order to allow self-registration. Vista also allows creation of training classes and adding employees to each class. HR Management recognizes (and requires) some of the training class configuration inside Vista and will report an employment training record when the HR Management training is complete, but the two systems do not tie together on the training class sequence in Vista, resulting in duplication of work in order to keep both sides in sync (or HR needs to go to both systems to get their records). It would be great to allow HR Management to see the different training class sequences in Vista and when an employee self-registers in HR Management, to then add that employee to the HR Training Class record for that class sequence so that we can use our existing reports in Vista to generate the class sign in sheets. When HR Management creates the employment history record, please tie in the sequence number of the class so that we know which session of the class was attended.

  • Guest
  • Aug 30 2021
Company Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc.
I need it... 12 months
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  • Guest commented
    September 09, 2021 18:01

    Would HR Management still send the record of what training an employee completed to Vista or do you think that integration will be removed sometime in the future?

    Here are some of the requirements, but I may have more to add later after I get a chance to chat with HR.

    We use nearly all of the standard training reports in Vista at some point in time. We use the class list report. We look for skills that are expiring in the coming 90 days so that we can determine who is due for training in some skills. We sometimes look for training that a specific person has had. We have a custom report that is the class sign-in sheet with a scannable code for easy check-in since we have a few classes that have several hundred attendees.

    A dream request from HR would be to automatically generate a payroll batch or file (that Payroll can process) for training. The hours are usually in the training record. When the class is completed, if it could generate time entry records for the training on those dates for employees who actually attended, our HR team would be happy. Currently they do this manually and send paper timecards to Payroll for the trainings. Generating paper timecards or a file that can be imported would probably be preferable to our Payroll team, but if you want requirements on this, I guess I'll have to ask everyone. We have a script that semi-does this and also includes the travel time for employees based on a user-defined table.

    In summary:

    We need to more easily show employee training on portal - to the employee and to HR (to be able to search who has taken what).

    Some type of bar code scanner to mark employees as attended and generate time entry records in Vista or a file.

    Allow leaders to sign up their people (not only themselves).

    Allow designating prerequisites and restricting enrollment to those who have met them.

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    August 30, 2021 15:44

    Hi Grace,

    What kind of reporting would you need within our web portal to move away from using the Training Classes within Vista's HR module? Are there any other features you would need in the web to move to the HR Management web portal completely for Training?

    Thank you!

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