Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

Save an Unapproved Invoice Entry with NO Line Number data.

Currently in Unapproved Invoice Entry the Invoice Header and Lines must equal. This is problematic if entering an invoice linked to a PO that has not been received. To save the Unapproved Invoice Entry, you must enter a “dummy” or “fake” Line number so the invoice will balance. When trying to Initialize from PO after it has been received the “dummy” or “fake” Line must be deleted in order save the invoice. This creates a lot of extra steps instead of streamlining them as this process is supposed to do. Also, if data is changed, a job number for example, the system will automatically change the taxes, and this will force the invoice out of balance. If the invoice could be saved originally with NO Line data the reviewer could enter the information needed and eliminate the need to duplicate work.

  • Guest
  • Apr 19 2021
Company B&I Contractors
Job Title / Role Senior Accountant
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    Mark Cadman commented
    April 19, 2021 20:44

    Hi Patrick,

    I don't think adding a line to an invoice header is a requirement. Did you also enable the portal setting that allows review of Invoice Headers?


  • Guest commented
    April 19, 2021 18:25

    Hi Mark,

    I was able to make the change in the company parameters but that still didn’t solve my issue. I am still required to enter a Line number, although it can now be zero. I would still need to delete the Line number if I wanted to Initialize from PO.

    Am I correct in assuming that if you want to enter an invoice in Unapproved Invoice Entry, each invoice will need at least one Line number?




    Patrick Saulnier
    Senior Accountant
    2701 Prince Street Fort Myers, Florida 33916
    Office: 239-332-4646 | Fax: 239-332-5928
    Direct: 239-332-4646 x2840

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    April 19, 2021 17:35

    Hi Patrick,

    The portal and Vista do not have the exact same options available. In Vista's AP Company Parameter, you can disable the "Require invoice total to equal sum of all lines" but I would only recommend this if you have all of your Invoice Reviewers review them in the web portal and have "Invoice Line Item detail must equal the header total prior to approval" enable.


  • Guest commented
    April 19, 2021 16:50

    Hi Mark,

    Thank you for replying.

    I see where I can make these changes in the Portal, however, how would I make these changes in Viewpoint directly? My staff does not utilize the portal to enter invoices they enter invoices in Unapproved Invoice Entry directly in Viewpoint.

    Thank you,



    Patrick Saulnier
    Senior Accountant
    2701 Prince Street Fort Myers, Florida 33916
    Office: 239-332-4646 | Fax: 239-332-5928
    Direct: 239-332-4646 x2840

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    April 19, 2021 15:42

    Hi there,

    Have you tried using the following portal settings?

    • Enable invoice approval for invoices with no line items

      • This will allow you to have invoice in AP Invoice Review in the Financial Controls web portal without requiring a line item.

    • Invoice Line Item detail must equal the header total prior to approval

      • If you have this portal setting enabled, you don't need to have the Vista parameter enabled to require that the headers and line items match.

    Please let me know if you have any questions!

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