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Group Messages sent from HFF (Keystyle) need to go to personal email addresses.

Group Messages sent from HFF need to go to personal email addresses (as listed in PREH and HRRM). There needs to be a way for Vista to determine what is personal and what is work related.

Using me as an example, I have a Vista licence and all group messages sent from HFF go to my work email address.

Notification via the Group Message in HFF sent during our Christmas shutdown advising that a work colleague had passed away went to my work email address. This is not helpful when you don't access your work email when you are at home.

Similarly, the Victorian State Govt bought in a short notice COVID-19 "Circuit Breaker" 5 day lockdown on Friday afternoon. We had been able to work during previous lockdowns. A notification was sent out via the Group Message in HFF whilst I was still at work saying we could still continue working and to attend work on Monday.

Further information came to light and a second group message was sent via HFF saying that working whilst the "Circuit Breaker" lockdown was on was not permitted. Again, this went to my Vista licence email address at work, while I was at home.

On receiving further advice (nothing like a short notice lockdown to create confusion for everyone), we found that 2 of our projects would be permitted to continue working. We relied on making phone calls to ensure people now permitted to work were getting accurate and timely information. Text messages were sent to to all employees to provide an update on the new information and their options to complete their timecard.

We need to be able to communicate clearly and easily with our employees. As I see it:

Group Messages are intended to be a notify all and should go to personal email addresses so that people can it access anytime, not just when at work. We shouldn't need to contact Vista licence users separately outside of work hours so we know they get the message.

Pay stubs & unsubmitted timecard reminders need to go to personal email addresses.

Notifications for work related tasks such as invoices to approved along with all WF Notifier Job Manager type emails (tasks you would follow up whilst at work) go to the relevant Vista licence email address.

  • Anne Preston
  • Feb 16 2021
Company Wellam Constructions
Job Title / Role Accounts Payable / Process Optimiser
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
  • Jan Veitch commented
    April 06, 2021 18:04

    It would also be ideal if the work and personal email addresses were both available in fields in the HR and PR tables in Vista and not split into the Vista User Profile table. It seems like this is an unnecessary extra step for the majority of our users who need access to HFF only and not Vista. Right now it seems the only way to get multiple emails per HFF user is to have the personal email in the HR and PR tables (which makes sense) and the corporate email in the Vista User Profile.

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