Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

Save Checklist and Continue Filling It Out

We can create lookups to use in checklists to select a Firm or Firm Contact from PM Project Firms. The lookups refer to a checklist header item with a Prompt of 'Job Number'. When you create a new checklist and select the Job, the value isn't available for use by the lookup until the checklist is saved. When you click on Save, it takes you back to the list of checklists and you have to go back into the checklist you were working on. After selecting the Firm, you have to Save before that value is available for use by the Firm Contact lookup, so once again you are back out at the list and have to select the checklist to edit it. The Save button should save your work but keep you in the checklist to continue filling it out. Maybe a separate Save & Exit button to go back out to the list of checklists.

  • John Mason
  • Nov 10 2020
  • Already exists
Company R&H Construction Co.
Job Title / Role IT Manager
I need it... 1 month
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    November 12, 2020 17:59

    Hi John,

    Glad that it worked for you. I'll ask our documentation team to update this.


  • John Mason commented
    November 12, 2020 16:22

    Thank you, Mark. That definitely makes the lookups work without saving and re-opening the checklist. I didn’t have the Auto-rebind box checked because I hadn’t found any explanation of what it is. I just did a search for ‘Auto-rebind’ in the portal on-line help and found a page that described it under creating performance reviews. Perhaps that description of the advanced options could be added to the checklist help pages. Or simply give the item a little better description, like ‘Auto-rebind – check if lookup is dependent on other checklist fields’.

    Thanks for your speedy response to the suggestion.

    John Mason

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    November 11, 2020 18:49

    Hi John,

    Are you using the "Auto-rebind" Advanced option on your checklists items that are dependent on other fields?

    Let me know if this helps!

  • John Mason commented
    November 11, 2020 01:23

    Additional Note - If you add or edit information in the checklist and then click on 'Back to Checklist History' it automatically saves the changes you made. Even more reason for 'Save' to save what you've done and keep on working in the checklist.

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