Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

New time line date default to current date

It would be helpful if when adding a new line in a timecard it defaults to the current date. Since people are usually entering their timecards on the same day they work. This option would be helpful in the timecard settings.

  • Kevin Brink
  • Jun 10 2020
Company Hawkinson Construction Co Inc
Job Title / Role Cost Accountant
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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  • Andrew Trapp commented
    April 25, 2022 21:59

    After further investigation it looks like this functionality does exist, but you can't select the option under Timecard Settings. Option "T" would be Today as the default option for a new line.

    If you are hosted on-premise, you can modify your C:\Program Files (x86)\Keystyle Data Solutions\Keystyle Data Solutions\HRIM\Views\TimecardAdmin\ColumnSettings.cshtml file to include the "T" option. I added <option value="T">Today</option> after the previous option and I now have the "Today" option which behaves as expected, each line will have the date that timecard line was added.

    This is trivial for Viewpoint to change as it is one line on one file. TimecardCtrl.js is already provisioned for Value = "T", just need to allow it as an option in the dropdown.

  • Andrew Trapp commented
    April 25, 2022 14:37

    Forgot to add. This post was from 2020 with only 2 votes, what is everybody else doing with regards to this? Just dealing with it? Grid Timecard only?

  • Andrew Trapp commented
    April 25, 2022 14:35

    To add to this: the following behaviour is observed with the current Portal version for 'New Line Post Date Default' on the Timecard Settings.

    'Auto Increment from Begin Date' - correctly selects the current date, however if you have more than one timecard line per day, it does exactly as it says and increments the date for each line that is added. Useless behaviour for all but the most simplest of company operations.

    'Pay Period Begin Date' and 'Pay Period End Date' do as expected, but why are these an option? Anybody? Implement to force all timecard entries to be dated for the last or start of the Pay Period but not be able to default to the current date for each new line?

    'Previous Value' sounds promising BUT the starting value for the first line is the Period End Date which is a very arbitrary decision, would have been more logical to be the current date and would the viable solution here. Also this still requires you to modify the date on the next day if you are doing a weekly timecard before submitting and approving.

    'Blank Value' the lesser of all evil. At least with this they are forced to select the correct date instead of relying on the system to have the correct behaviour. A vast majority of the my users have commented why this suggestion isn't an option.

    Please, change the starting value of 'Previous Value' when the first line is created to the current date for a quick and dirty fix. The please implement a 'Current Date' option for 'New Line Post Date Default'

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