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Track employee count on a daily basis

There is new legislation that requires tracking of this for COVID-19.

  • Guest
  • Apr 22 2020
  • Future consideration
Company TDX Corporation
Job Title / Role Accounting Systems Administrator
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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  • Eric Bostrom commented
    November 16, 2020 19:12

    I've added comboboxes with all options, but they don't drop down via grid timecard. The ud field is in the correct place but clicking the down arrow to select an option doesn't do anything.

  • Eric Bostrom commented
    November 12, 2020 17:26

    ...and checkboxes vs combo box allow for more granularity. In a single day a user might work 8 hrs on a project for phase Project Management, but they could have 4 hours on site, 4 hours at the office. A combo box would force us to choose one or the other, or I'd have to set up every permutation of Site, Office and Field.

    Open to suggestions!

  • Eric Bostrom commented
    November 12, 2020 17:19

    Hi Mark, I attached screenshots to my post but they didn't upload. Here's a link:

    Here's the full response from Viewpoint/Keystyle:

    Hi Eric,

    Thank you for sending this in, and I apologize for the delayed response to this case, we have been busier than expected, and that is causing some delays. I've attached an article to this case regarding the behavior that your users are experiencing, and copied the contents of it into this email as well.

    As of now, Checkboxes are not currently supported in Column Groups or Values within Grid Timecard. While they can be set up and included there, the Portal is not designed to utilize them correctly, and it can cause unusual behavior if they are included. If this is behavior that your users need, we do recommend entering an enhancement request to our product team, via our Idea Board .

    Article Number

    Checkboxes in Grid Timecard Clears When Tabbing Off of the Field

    Users may also experience error messages when attempting to save Grid Timecard lines that they have tabbed through when Checkboxes are present within the Values of the Grid Timecard. These error messages include "An error has occured with a duplicate line on save - please try again." and "String or Binary Data May Be Truncated" [Viewpoint HR Management//Timecards - HR MGMT] [Viewpoint Field Management//Timecards - FIELD MGMT]

    Impacts Viewpoint HR Management and Viewpoint Field Management>Grid Timecard in all versions

    The reason this occurs is because udCheckboxes are not currently supported within Column Groups and Values for Grid Timecards. If this is functionality you would like to see within the Viewpoint HR Management/Field Management Portal, we welcome you to submit an official enhancement request for our product team to review.



    Support Product
    Viewpoint Field Management

    Timecards - FIELD MGMT

    URL Name

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    November 09, 2020 23:51

    Hi Eric,

    Can you add a screenshot of how your grid timecard looks? We do support the use of checkboxes in the row group, but since you have 3 options, I think it would be easier to create a combo box for your row group.


  • Eric Bostrom commented
    November 09, 2020 16:22

    We added checkboxes to our timecard entry. Each row, and day column have three extra columns: 'S'ite, 'O'ffice, 'H'ome. Users tick where they were for that duration of time. I modified our reports so we can run them at-will and get a snapshot of where employees have been to satisfy California's three day infection/outbreak data requirement.

    Unfortunately two users out of 100 experience issues. The specific error is: "string or binary data will be truncated." The solution is to log out/in then ctrl+refresh the page and enter timecard data again.

    Viewpoint said checkboxes on Grid Timecard Entry isn't supported but it's been working well other than these two users.

  • Jon Almquist commented
    May 19, 2020 20:40

    I could help you real quick with a report. Jon A -

  • Guest commented
    May 14, 2020 19:32

    Yes exactly that. So that we can run a report on any given day and it will tally all active employees. By state would be a bonus!

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    May 14, 2020 19:28

    Hi Alexandra,

    Is the count your looking for just the total number of active employee in payroll or is it something more specific?

    Thank you

  • Guest commented
    May 14, 2020 00:27

    I actually looked and it somehow relates to the reporting requirements that have been imposed if companies accept any COVID-19 related assistance. I do not see a formal requirement for this, however we are currently transitioning to Keystyle from BambooHR and we can get an employee count on any given day from that system.

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    May 13, 2020 23:58

    Hi Alexandra,

    What employee count are referencing? Can add an attachment or link to the requirements?


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