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Grid Timecard, Job/Phase column header, change to Job#/Phase #/Phase description

With the new update our old Crew Timecard on the Job/Phase column header had 4 vertical lines for the Job#/job description/phase#/Phase description.  With the new update we have only two vertical lines which now the job# and Job Desc shows unless we widen out the column by more than 4 to 5  inches.  This makes vertical scrolling better but horizontal scrolling ridiculous when we are running a Grid Timecard with 6 job/phase combinations.  I suggest that it is returned to the 4 vertical lines as before, or a simpler solution would be to eliminate the job description from the header column. Ex.( Job/Phase Header column to be Job#/Phase#/Phase Description  This would eliminate all need to scroll vertically or horizontally.)  The Foreman know the description of the job they are working they just need to see the number, the phase number and description these are more vital to their needs on the Grid Timecard.

  • Guest
  • Sep 18 2018
  • Shipped
Company E. T. Simonds Construction Company
Job Title / Role IT Admin/Fielder of Foreman complaints since upgrade...
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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  • Kate Mays commented
    May 07, 2019 13:07

    We are good on this. Our IT guy found the setting. I guess it is hidden unless you know to search for it in the search bar of portal settings.

    [ETSimonds_EmailSig_KateMaysLee CFO]

  • Kate Mays commented
    May 07, 2019 12:23

    Maybe I’m really missing it, but here are my choices when I go to Admin (I have full Admin rights):
    (I have also tried Grid Timecard Settings through Employee Tools and Portal Settings, Timecard, Grid Timecard.)


    [ETSimonds_EmailSig_KateMaysLee CFO]

  • Admin
    Michael Smith commented
    May 07, 2019 02:07

    Hi Kate,

    I'm very glad to hear you updated the portal.  Navigate to Admin > Timecard > Grid Settings.  Here you can choose how the phase description and job description should be shown.

  • Kate Mays commented
    May 03, 2019 15:02

    We installed the update this morning but do not see the difference in this. Please advise.

    [ETSimonds_EmailSig_KateMaysLee CFO]

  • Admin
    Michael Smith commented
    April 04, 2019 15:09

    Hi Kate,

    Thank you for the clarification.  I am super excited to say this item is planned for a near term release.  Thank you for submitting it and helping us understand the problem.

  • Kate Mays commented
    April 04, 2019 12:35

    We have struggled with this since our IT Admin first posted this comment last year, and the only way around it we found was to go back and change all of our job names to make them shorter.  For us, we would like it to be Job number, Phase number, phase description, but ideally if you could make the job number, phase number the default, and the job description and phase description both optional to appear (a choice in timecard settings), that would be ideal as companies could customize it to their needs.

  • Admin
    Michael Smith commented
    April 03, 2019 22:23

    Hi Eric,

    Would you like a setting to remove the job description from the column?  Do you want to show the phase description or would you also like to hide its description?

  • Eric N commented
    February 05, 2019 15:03

    Agreed - especially painful when you have govt contracts that require the full name for every other report driven off of the job/contract master description and they're 60+ characters long.


    We also regularly have crews working 4-10 phase codes a day.

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