Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web


Please add the capability to delete a Billing in Keystyle once its created. I am unsure of why this was not thought of originally when creating this module but it seems like common sense.  Its a pain to have to create the bill in Keystyle, then open it in Vista just to delete it, makes entering it in keystyle almost pointless. 

  • Guest
  • Feb 12 2020
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Company D-Line Constructors, Inc.
Job Title / Role Office Manager
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    Mark Cadman commented
    February 20, 2020 03:02

    Hi Kaeli,

    Sorry for the miscommunication on my part. When I said "This is something we don't plan on changing" I was only referring to the Progress Bill not being created in Vista until it had been submitted. I do think we should add the ability to delete them from the web, but I'll need to talk the rest of my dev and product team first.

    Thanks for adding this!

  • Guest commented
    February 20, 2020 00:56

    Hey Mark, 


    I can see why you dont think it is worth changing, but like I stated before, it ends up  having several invoices in JB that need to be deleted. It does not make sense to me that even if a Bill was not submitted, it would show up in Vista, just to be deleted in there. 


  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    February 19, 2020 02:47

    We are Vista brought to Web made Awesome!

    As soon as a user creates the bill in the portal, it's in Vista. This is something we don't plan on changing since you can use the "Use review and Approval Workflow" and "Review Level for AR Interface" options in Vista JB Company Parameters to prevent any users from billing a progress bill that isn't ready.

    Let me review your suggestion about deleting the Progress Bills with my team in our next customer suggestions meeting and I'll get back to you.


  • Guest commented
    February 18, 2020 17:04

    Hey Mark, 


    I think yes, they should be able to unsubmit a billing after it is approved, but that upon making any changes, it would have to go through the approval process again. 

    Sometimes even after a Bill is submitted to a client, they ask us not to bill a certain line item this month, or they will request We bill the thing. It would be nice if the Person who submitted it could make those changes as they are the ones that have the interactions with the client


    As soon as they unsubmit, I think they should be able to delete the billing. 

    Also before they submit they should be able to delete the billing.

    Like I have stated sometimes they open a billing just to see whats open. 


    I also dont like the fact that even if a billing is not submitted it shows up in Vista. 


    I think only submitted billings should do that. 

    What if someone bills it before it is completed? 

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    February 17, 2020 23:40

    Hi Kaeli,

    Thanks for the suggestions!

    We definitely want to make this process as easy as possible. If a user has the option to unsubmit a Progress Bill, should they only have the option to usnsubmit of the Progress Bill wasn't approved yet?

    If they are able to unsubmit, can they delete the Progress Bill once it was unsubmitted?

  • Guest commented
    February 13, 2020 16:24

    Hey Mark, 

    So the way We wanted to use it was so Project Managers could do the billings through the employee portal, where as before A vista admin ( Me) would export a worksheet in excel format and they would fill it out and send it back. Then I would enter it in JB progress Billing. 

    Going through the Keystyle portal seemed like a great way to cut that process down. 

    Now though, Project Managers open a bill in Keystyle to see what they  have open to bill, and sometimes they don't have anything to bill in this month, but the bill is created and they will have to tell me to delete it. I then have to pull the bill up in Vista, Delete the reviewers, give it a invoice number, and then delete the billing. 


    I think it would be best if the person that created the bill has the option to delete it as long as it was not submitted.

    I think once they have submitted it, then they had the intention of billing and then after that it would need someone to go in to Vista to delete it. 


    I also think it would be great if after someone submitted a billing, if something changed ( i.e. the Owner of the project didn't want us to bill one item, or We chose to add a different item) that the person who created the bill would be able to unsubmit it , and edit the bill, and then re-submit it for approval. 

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    February 13, 2020 01:39

    Hi Kaeli,

    Is this for the new Progress Billing module? How do you like it so far?

    We originally prevented the deletion of the progress bills from the web portal that way the Vista users have that control over the Progress Bills.

    Would you like all user's that can create a Progress Bill the option of deleting them? At what point should we restrict user's from deleting them from the web portal; submitted, approved, or initialized?


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