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Performance Review Modification/HR Resource Review (Vista) Change

Currently the setup of Performance Reviews in HR Management is too cumbersome since too many combinations of Approver Permissions groups have to be maintained. It would be easier to have Reviewer 1, Reviewer 2, Reviewer 3 fields in HR Resource Review Vista program that could be maintained by employee #/name and redo the methodology in HR Mgt Performance Reviews structure. Having an Import for HR Reviewers in Vista would help too with initial uploads and changes.


Currently we have to go back into all the Approver Permissions to see who is included to make manual changes and keep up with the hundreds of combinations. When a Performance Review is Initialized by single employee or group of employees it should just look to the current Reviewers assigned to an employee in the HR Resource Review - once new Vista fields are created in the program for Reviewers.

  • Paul West
  • Feb 11 2020
  • Shipped
Company The Middlesex Corporation
Job Title / Role Director of Enterprise Applications
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
  • Melissa Mahurin commented
    August 03, 2021 16:18

    Mark - If I'm understanding what you're suggesting, I believe so. Thanks!

  • Heather Jordan commented
    July 28, 2021 13:06

    Mark - Assigning individuals or groups to the employee would certainly help us.

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    July 27, 2021 21:53

    Hey Melissa,

    If we allowed individuals or employees groups be assigned directly to employees for reviews, would this make the management of the approvals much easier?


  • Melissa Mahurin commented
    July 27, 2021 19:10

    Hey Mark - For us, portal admin permissions is not the issue. It's the time to create the Employee Groups, assign Approval Permissions and manually maintain the groups as employees come and go. Thanks for hearing us out on this.

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    July 26, 2021 21:16

    Hey Team,

    Is one of the major pain points that the Performance Review admins need access to the Employee Groups or Approval Permissions pages, but wouldn't normally be System Admins?


  • Melissa Mahurin commented
    July 26, 2021 13:28

    Sounds like it's going to be hard to repurpose an existing field since companies use them differently. To answer your last question, Mark, visibility is one issue but the setup and maintenance of the groups is the bigger one.

  • Paul West commented
    July 22, 2021 17:58

    It is the Approval Permissions maintenance, which is not currently in the Performance Review Dashboard, that is cumbersome. We have close to 400 combinations of Approval Permissions to manage the Performance Review assignments.

  • Paul West commented
    July 22, 2021 17:45

    The Leave Approval Groups are completely different than the Peformance Reviewers at our company. We hundreds of hourly team members and since our Dispatch Departments manage the crew assignments they actually manage the Leave Approval. It still makes sense to me to modify the HR Resource Review program and add a tab for current Reviewers which can easily be managed and updated by the Human Resources Department.

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    July 22, 2021 17:14

    Hey Melissa,

    Is one of the main issue that we need a better way to view an employee's Performance Reviewers? If we made this information more accessible on the Performance Review Admin dashboard, would this help solve this need?


  • Melissa Mahurin commented
    July 22, 2021 11:58

    Hey Mark - We don’t currently use Leave Reviewer Groups for anything else so we technically could, but that still has us setting up a Leave Approver Group for each reviewer, just like we have to do in Employee Groups right now. Using Leave Reviewer Groups does give us better visibility into who is reviewer at employee level, so that is one advantage.

  • Amy Adamski commented
    July 12, 2021 14:08

    For us it would be nice to be able to select the reviewers when initialized. We send out reviews to different reviewers each year (it is based on who the person has worked with in the past year). So, for us a group permission would work. For exampe, all our field sups are set up as a group and they would all have permission to enter reviews for all field employees. When initialized, you could select the reviewers. A leave approval group or field would not help us at all because it would still need to be manually changed every year

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    July 09, 2021 13:25

    Hi Melissa, Amy, and Paul :)

    Do you think we could use the Leave Approval group for this? Or would Performance Reviews needs it's own field/group?


  • Melissa Mahurin commented
    June 30, 2021 19:36

    Hey Mark! We also would vote for a ud field in HR. The performance reviewer is not necessarily the same as the other "managers/supervisors" that we have in place and need an additional field to accommodate the role of reviewer. Thanks!

  • Paul West commented
    June 30, 2021 18:13

    Our company would like to maintain the reviewer(s) in the Vista HR Module so that all relevant information is on one place. We currently have a ud Supervisor field but we could easily add or modify a placeholder/ud fields for the Performance Reviewers by employee in HR Resource Master.

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    June 30, 2021 17:56

    Hi Melissa,

    The manual maintenance is something we are looking to improve. Is there any one place this information is stored in Vista for who should be reviewing an employee's Performance Review? Or do the employee groups give you the flexibility needed to pull from different areas in Vista?


  • Melissa Mahurin commented
    June 30, 2021 13:22

    Hey Mark - We have a variety of scenarios - across office and field employees and across our 3 divisions - including administrative manager, functional manager, leave approver, timecard approver, expense approver, etc. So far, we have not created an ud field in Vista for supervisor/manager, but we make it work using portal Manager, PR Crews, JC Reviewers, etc. With Approval Permissions driving Performance Management, we had to create 34 Employee Groups (for partial rollout), which have to be manually maintained. Hope that helps.

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    June 24, 2021 21:18

    Hi Team,

    I'm curious how you are all tracking the employee's supervisor/managers now in Vista. Are you using a udfield that is assigned another employee or HQ Reviewer Group?


  • Melissa Mahurin commented
    November 12, 2020 14:22

    Agreed that Approval Permissions is way too manual to maintain reviewer groups. An existing or a new field tied to the employee for performance reviewer is ideal. i.e. we have manager, leave approver, timecard approver...we need performance reviewer. Much better visibility at the individual level vs this being buried in Employee Groups.

  • Amy Adamski commented
    September 15, 2020 17:29

    I think an easy fix (for us at least) would be to be able to pick which reviewers are going to do the review (similar to how you pick which employee you review). When you initialize, you could pick the person then the screen of possible reviews could pop up, then you could assign the reviewers you would like to do the review. So for us, we would set up all our field supervisors to have permission to enter reviews for all field employees-the initialize screen would pop up we would pick Joe Employee THEN another screen with all the possible reviewers (field supervisors in this case) would pop up and we would select which folks we would like to do the review then initialize.

  • Amy Adamski commented
    August 28, 2020 15:33

    I agree with Paul that the current set up is too cumbersome to effectively manage our field employees, they work with multiple field supervisors and setting up the permissions is a hassle. And, for our office folk, we will periodically have someone different then their manager enter a review so you are back to manually changing permissions, I think it would be nice to just assign reviewers at the initialize point (or add additional reviewers that are not their managers)

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