Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

Timecard Approval Memo field needs to either be stored somewhere on approvals or blocked from entry

Currently there is an option to enter an approver memo at the bottom of the timecard approval screen. This memo field is available to be entered into whether the timecard is approved or rejected but the memo is only stored in SQL if the timecard is rejected. When the timecard is approved, the memo goes nowhere and nobody sees it. We either need that memo to be stored in SQL or we need it to give some kind of error and not allow entry in the field if the timecard is approved. This all came to light when we had several timecard approvers ask why payroll had not done anything specified in the approver memo because people have been entering into it expecting that it goes somewhere. 

  • Claire Werner
  • Feb 11 2020
  • Shipped
Company MTech Mechanical
Job Title / Role Systems Analyst
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
  • Darrell Robinson commented
    June 18, 2021 19:28


    I agree with Richard. An extra column, or even just a red * next to the Employee Name, so a click reveals a text box - something that flags employees with comments.

  • Richard Beaulieu commented
    June 16, 2021 14:22


  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    June 15, 2021 21:57

    Hi Team,

    The email might be a little annoying for Timecard Admins if they get one every time a note is added. Do you think an extra column on the Timecard Dashboard would work better?

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    February 25, 2021 19:49


    I'll discuss the email to the timecard admins. We have many customers that use the memo field differently so that might not be the best option for us. Once we start saving this to another column in the database, a custom trigger might be able to add that to the memo if you still want to go down that route.

    Everyone, thank you for your comments!

  • Guest commented
    February 25, 2021 15:15

    Hard for me to understand why this isn't done already - if we are making notes, store them! We need this!

  • Richard Beaulieu commented
    February 23, 2021 17:28

    @Mark Cadman

    If we were able to append it to the Timecard's Memo field with a timestamp, that would be ideal. If rejected, then the submitter can see relevant information for the action he needs to take and then payroll or bill can see similar relevant information if approved.

  • Claire Werner commented
    February 23, 2021 17:27

    Hi Mark,

    Either an email to Timecard admins showing the approval notes, approver, employee, etc. or an email that lets them know there are notes available so they can be prompted to pull a report.

    Thank you!

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    February 23, 2021 17:16

    Hi Team,

    I think we can make this happen and I'll talk with my dev team to confirm. Adding the field to the tables so they can be queried will be the fastest option. Best case, would you like an email with the approval notes sent to the Timecard admins?


  • Jen Spring commented
    February 23, 2021 13:43

    Hi Mark, We use the approver memo field to make notes for our acct team to use for billing purposes etc. If we need a custom report we are more than happy to do that. This field is very important to us to be able to pull.

    Thank You


  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    February 20, 2021 00:40

    Hi Team,

    What kind of notes were your Timecard Approvers adding?

    We can potentially save to the database, but only having it there would only be useful if you plan on customizing reports and adding this field to them.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

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