Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

Add confirmation email and reminder emails to training classes

We are using the training class management for the first time this year for our yearly meetings. In the past we've used eventbrite. It would be helpful to have the student/employee get an email confirming when they register for a class, with a link back to the portal to cancel, etc...


Another helpful email would be the ability to blast an email out to all attendees, reminding them of the upcoming training class they registered for.... or allowing the instructor to send a message in case of cancellation/inclement weather, etc.


Now maybe even take this a step further, and similiar to how the user receives a red box telling them they need to sign a document, have it say "you have an upcoming training class to attend" after logging in.

  • Chris Bunting
  • Nov 18 2019
  • Likely to implement
Company J.D. Eckman, Inc.
Job Title / Role IT Director
I need it... 3 months
  • Attach files
  • Jeremy Corey commented
    24 Jul 22:07

    Definitely surprised this has not been implemented. I know HR Portal is not a full LMS system but the email functions in today's age leave something to be desired. It would also be nice to have the ability for video calls if a class will be on Teams, Zoom, or Webex.

    Please implement this ASAP

  • Melissa Mahurin commented
    July 14, 2020 22:42

    This would be great! We're currently working on Vista notifiers to accomplish this, but built in would be even better!

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