Submit your Suggestions for Vista Web

On Field Tickets, allow EMCo to be put in the PREQ section versus the PR Section to allow for EM Company selection for Equipment

The portal's functionality in Field Tickets is essentially limited to one equipment company unless there are multiple payroll companies/groups. We operate with a single payroll company (and payroll group) but use multiple equipment companies.  Multiple equipment companies is not unusual in the construction industry because separating assets is a strong legal liability protection.  


In Field Tickets, it doesn't seem to make sense for when EMCo is selected to be included in the Grid Layout, that it results in being in the PR section of the Field Ticket.  I don't see any relevance for it there.  


The creation of multiple dummy employees to use in "Default employee number per PRCo for Equipment-Only PR Entry" creates multiple templates in field tickets.  These Field Ticket templates cannot easily be differentiated from each other.  Also, creating dummy employees in Vista creates some risk of fraud or errors in the payroll process.  This shouldn't be a practice that is deployed or relied upon for selecting equipment company.


Unfortunately, until a solution is implemented on this feature, our company will not be able to use Field Tickets. Part of reasoning to go full in with Field Management was to have the Field Tickets and get away from our other software provider.

  • Steven Altobello
  • Nov 11 2019
  • Likely to implement
Company Shilling Construction Company, Inc.
Job Title / Role CFO
I need it... 3 months
  • Attach files
  • Andrew Trapp commented
    February 02, 2021 19:57

    I have attached a picture of the PREQ section and where we would need EMCo to be to fulfill our requirements.

  • Andrew Trapp commented
    February 02, 2021 19:54

    Hello Mark,

    Thank you for the update, however this is not what we are referring to. We are looking for EMCo to be part of the PREQ section. The update you mention has allowed EMCo to be part of the PR section, which only accounts for one piece of equipment per person. We are in the situation that multiple pieces of equipment, more than designated operators, are used from a different EMCo.

    We are hoping for an EMCo field in the Equipment section of the Field Ticket.

  • Admin
    Mark Cadman commented
    February 02, 2021 19:39

    Hey Team,

    This was added in the May release last year, but it looks like we forgot to add it as shipped. The new portal setting is "Show Equipment on Payroll lines for operators" in the Field Tickets section. Here's a link to the release notes:

    Please let me know if you have any questions!

  • Andrew Trapp commented
    February 02, 2021 17:29

    Ditto. We use different equipment companies and cannot effectively use field ticket for those jobs that use equipment from a different EMCO. This seems like such an easy item to add to as it just requires an additional field to enter in the EMCO in the PREQ section. The Equipment Employee is already setup per EMCO - change the EMCO the Equipment Employee updates as well.

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